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 Analyst Coverage

According to Canada's National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101), analyst reports are proprietary products of the analyst's firm. Posting a report by an analyst may be viewed as an endorsement by Orko Silver of the report. For these reasons, Orko Silver will not post analysts reports on our website. Orko Silver may post on its website a complete list (regardless of the recommendation), of the names of all the investments firms and analysts that, to its knowledge, provide research coverage on Orko Silver. The list will not include links to the analysts' or any other third party websites or publications.

Firm: GMP Securities
Analyst: Craig West
Type of Coverage: Research

Firm: Haywood Securities Inc.
Analyst: Chris Thompson, P.Geo. and Benjamin Asuncion
Type of Coverage: Silver Research

Firm: Byron Capital Markets
Analyst: Jeff Wu
Type of Coverage: Research

Firm: Clarus Securities
Analyst: Nana Sangmuah
Type of Coverage: Research

Firm: BMO Capital Markets
Analyst: John Hayes, Andrew Kaip
Type of Coverage: Research

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